From "Creed," by Dom Helder Cámara

I want to believe that the whole world

Is my home, the field I sow,

And that all reap what all have sown.

I will not believe that I can combat oppression out there

If I tolerate injustice here.

I want to believe that what is right

Is the same here and there

And that I will not be free

While even one human being is excluded.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Why the Wild

"To the humble, whose invisible choices are healing the world."
-Dedication at the beginning of The Better World Our Hearts Know is Possible, by Charles Eisenstein

Photo Credit: Jimmy Nelson,

Why the Wild
Daily, I exist in many buildings,
On computers, with the homeless,
Infantile inventions on the cosmic scale
And I go between places
On cracking roads
With cracking resolve.

Sometimes futility
Heartbreak, greed, addiction
Which drown dignity like quicksand
Bombard my blood
And I am infected into conveyance, into a cave
Where alive is assumed.

But the Spark in me
Which, though slighted, always speaks,
Says have you forgotten Why?
There may be no answer
But I know where I must go to ask.

In memory and imagination
And on the most sacred days
I seek what grows.
I abandon steel shadow for sun shine,
Electric for ethereal.

I take steps with the Moved-On,
Who upon leaving learned

I go places where giants danced,
on Pachamama’s goosebumps.
I ingest the remote revolving of mountain-valley tapestries
Where Her breath sends all cells dancing
Into an embrace, a resurrection,
Until I-Me cease to breathe
And become crying, coexisting, and remembering Why the Wild.

I go to trace that a seed grows
A universe expands
A life endures.
Thus we plant purpose, defy death.

I go to detect the butterfly wing drum
Which I feel like an earthquake in my chest
And together
We topple empires.

I go to reconsider the cosmic constituency,
Weaving webs of you, me, and worms:
Stardust, we’re all made of stardust,
And all those times the tears puttied my face
I was only summoning the supernova remnant in my soul.

Don’t fear the sublime;
the waiting extinction, the cliff drop.
Fear the crippling unCreated ordinary,
The thin extrinsic intonation,

Sing instead the immanent song
Less. Feel. Be. Now.
And if you have forgotten how or what to sing,
Find one tree.

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